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Custom Fur

Custom Fur
**Please note: this is a small custom run, so once we run out, we cannot guarantee if more will ever be made. Please plan accordingly!**This extremely high quality and very soft fur is perfect for use in fursuits, especially for shorter areas like faces and paws. Usually referred to as seal or beave..
Gingerbread Fox Faux Fur (CUSTOM RUN) Gingerbread Fox Faux Fur (CUSTOM RUN)
Out Of Stock
**Please note that this is a custom run fur - once we run out, more will not be available for the foreseeable future!**Fox faux fur is a new style of fur that recently became available. It has a coarse, realistic texture like luxury fox, but isn't quite as dense/thick. However, it does come in a hug..
Bunny shag is a style of faux fur fabric that has become very popular over the last few years. It is known for its relatively short pile length (1" or a bit less), realistic texture, density, and softness. Usually shaves beautifully and looks great for most furs. Many makers prefer it over luxury sh..
*Please note: this is a custom run fur! Once we run out, no more will be available for the foreseeable future.*Bunny shag is a style of fur that has become very popular over the last few years. It is known for its relatively short pile length (1" or a bit less), realistic texture, density, and softn..
Mint luxury shag is one of our custom colors - you won't likely find it anywhere else! It's out of stock for now, but it will be coming back soon!Luxury shag fur is one of the most popular furs commonly used in suitmaking. It is known for its shiny softness, as well as its availability in a huge num..
Amber Luxury Shag Faux Fur
Hot Out Of Stock
Amber luxury shag is one of our most popular custom faux fur fabrics - you likely won't find this color anywhere else!What is luxury shag faux fur?Luxury shag faux fur fabric is one of the most popular furs commonly used in suitmaking. It is known for its shiny softness, as well as its availability ..
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